Up to 1 million Gaza refugees looking for new homes and U.S. is first to raise its hand


When will we ever learn? Whether it's to assuage our guilt or simply because we have greedy, traitorous politicians in high elected office, the end result is always the same when we get involved in other countries' business. We end up with large communities of invasive cultures planted in cities and towns across the U.S. That's how we ended up with thousands of Bosnian Muslims in Chicago and St. Louis, Kurdish Muslims in Nashville; Somali Muslims in the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington region as well as in Columbus, Ohio; Portland and Lewiston, Maine; Atlanta and Seattle. There are Yemeni, Syrian and Bangladeshi Muslims in Dearborn and Hamtramck, Michigan, and spreading out from there into Warren, Sterling Heights and Rochester, Michigan.

Congressman Tom Cotton said "Iran should take responsibility for any Palestinian refugees caused by its proxy . . . war with responsible for the death and destruction — it should be responsible for refugees as well."

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