A Special Event
A Re-evaluation of Canada's Refugee Policy
Sunday, May 5th, 2019 AM - 7:00 PM
Speakers Geoffrey Clarfield and Martin Mark will be discussing victims of Genocide including Yazidis, Mideast Christians, and white South African farmers who have been under-represented in Canada's refugee programme.
Date: Sunday, May 5th, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m. sharp to 10:00 p.m.
Place: Toronto Zionist Centre
Address: 788 Marlee Avenue (just south of Lawrence Avenue)
Metro Line: Lawrence West subway station (University Line)
Cost: $20.00 - Buy ticket through Eventbrite or mail a cheque (info below)
Note: Ticketholders may be required to show full ID at the door prior to admission to ACT! For Canada events.
Purchase Tickets
Buy your tickets at Eventbrite
Or, you can mail a cheque payable to ACT! For Canada-Toronto and send to the following address:
P.O. Box 30026
New Westminster PO
Vaughan, Ontario
Tickets must be prepaid. There will be NO ticket sales at the door.
Our Speakers:
Geoffrey Clarfield
Geoffrey Clarfield is a development anthropologist, journalist, film producer, and musician. He is the Executive Director of the Yazidi Rescue Committee, a joint project of the Canadian Coalition Against Terror (CCAT) and Yazidi Human Rights International.
He spent 16 years living and working in the Middle East and Africa as a development anthropologist dealing with matters pertaining to biodiversity, conservation, institutional capacity building, poverty alleviation and democratization. His clients included the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Canadian, Norwegian, Swiss, Italian and Kenya governments as well as international NGOs.
He is passionate about defending the human rights of indigenous peoples such as the Yazidi. He travelled to the Central African Republic which led to him producing a film on the expulsion of forest dwelling Pygmies in Uganda. For the last four years he has worked and continues to work closely with Mirza Ismail and the Yazidi community in Canada, many of whom are survivors of genocide and whose relatives have been massacred and enslaved at the hands of ISIL in Iraq and Syria.
Martin Mark
Mr. Mark is a Resettlement and Development worker who, in the past 30 years, has visited and worked in over 60 countries on refugee, migration and social justice related work particularly on refugee rights, civil liberties, human rights of detainees, marginalized groups and people in need.
He was elected to the NGO-Government Committee on Refugee Sponsorship and served as a director on the Board of OCASI (Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants). He was actively involved in the work of the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT).
He is involved in advocacy, public awareness and the Catholic refugee sponsors' cooperation in Canada. He regularly participates on Selection Mission Trips under the Catholics Without Borders initiative, providing holistic approach for the refugee crisis and implementing the strategic use of resettlement. Lately he continues his refugee and migration related work in the private sector. He continues charitable refugee and resettlement work - amongst other - at Christians walking with Refugees (CwR) Project as part of WWOW (World Wide Opportunities for Women). He advocates for improving the compromised Canadian resettlement programs.
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The New Taboo: Respect for the Rule of Law in Canada
Sunday, March 17, 2019 8:30 AM - 4:15 PM
Many Canadians seek to better understand what are their rights in law and how these rights and free speech itself can be understood and protected. There are organizations and "political tribes" that threaten the Rule of Law in Canada. This national Teach-In program will feature extensive, in-depth and sensitive content about who those disruptors are, the threats they pose to traditional respect for the rule of law, and how new measures can be taken by law-abiding Canadians to address these threats. Come expecting to hear powerful confidential briefings and empowering details about lawfare, public and private prosecutions, government relations, outing terrorists, campus free speech pledges and much more.
Yellow Vests Convoy to Ottawa
Tuesday, February 19th, 2019
Leaving Red Deer, Alberta on Thursday, February 14th and planning to arrive in Ottawa on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019.
"I would just like to announce that the convoy to Ottawa that is being organized by the "Yellow Vest (official) Convoy to Ottawa" is happening February 14 from Red Deer, Alberta. Our team has been working very hard at making sure all logistics are covered and that we have registered our protest in Ottawa. We are on track for a successful and Peaceful demonstration in Ottawa.
We encourage and welcome all trucks, companies and people who have concerns with the current government to get behind this convoy. Yellow vest or not, this is our chance to be heard and unite Canada.
-- Glen Carritt/Admin
Protest against Global Compact on Parliament Hill
Saturday, December 8th, 2018 at 11:00 p.m.
Valerie Price for ACT For Canada, speaks at a protest today at Parliament Hill, Ottawa Canada, against the Global Migration Pact that Trudeau, the PoMo PM, insists on signing, which would erase Canada's borders. This is the first of three speeches.
Patriot Pride Canada Wide - Canada Wide March Against Trudeau
Monday, May 21, 2018
Are you dissatisfied with the way Justin Trudeau is running this country (or perhaps I should say - running it into the ground)?
He thinks we can learn something from returning ISIS fighters. He compensates terrorists with millions of dollars but thinks our veterans are asking for too much.
His government now requires any organization that applies for a government grant for a summer student to sign an attestation supporting "reproductive rights" - even if the organization has absolutely nothing to do with "reproductive health." Do we really want our government to be our thought police? As a result of refusing to sign this attestation, numerous organizations have lost an opportunity to seek funding for a summer student. And yet, somehow, two Islamic groups, one (Canada Arab Federation) with ties to terrorist organizations and the other (Anatolia Islamic Centre) with an imam who made anti-gay statements, managed to get funding for a summer student. One wonders how they managed to sign an attestation that opposes religious discrimination and supports gay rights.
Trudeau's Liberal government also gave us Motion M-103, which condemns "Islamophobia," a term that is not defined in the motion or under Canadian law, but which has been used in other countries to silence criticism of Islam. Many people think that is exactly the purpose of Motion M-103. It was tabled by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, who was once president of the salafist Muslim Students' Association at York University. Trudeau also supports making January 29, the day of the shooting in a Quebec City mosque in 2017, into a Day of Action against Islamophobia, even though the shooter seems to be a deranged young man who has not been linked to any larger organization and whose action do not in any way represent society at large. And who can forget Trudeau's buffoonish trip to India - and the embarrassing invitation of a convicted Sikh terrorist to a reception given by the High Commissioner in Trudeau's honour?
Justin Trudeau is clearly incompetent to lead our country. But it is worse than that. Trudeau does not want Canada to remain Canada. He has called it the first post-national country with no core identity or values. Is that not an insult to the people who created Canada? But it might explain that now infamous tweet welcoming everyone to Canada. And perhaps it also explains why Trudeau is now refusing to enforce immigration laws at the Canadian border. But try getting a straight answer from him about what is going on. Whatever happened to transparency in government?
"Peoplekind" in Canada are getting fed up with Trudeau and his ideologically driven agenda. That is why there will be a "Canada-Wide March Against Trudeau" on May 21st (a Monday). It will be held at different times in twelve cities (Toronto, Vancouver, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, St. Johns, Charlottetown, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, and Edmonton). Check the link below for details about when the march nearest you will start and the route it will take.
Please take a stand at this important, nationwide event. Trudeau must hear from you. Canada must change course or we will run aground on the shoals of ideology and incompetence.
Valerie Price/National Director
ACT! For Canada
National Conference
ACT for America's 10th Anniversary National Conference
As always, at our 2018 National Conference, our attendees will hear from our Founder, Brigitte Gabriel, as well as from top national security experts and other nationally recognized VIPs.
National ConferenceThe safety and security of our nation is at stake, and it's up to the grassroots of America to see that strong national security policies are enacted at every level of government. The ACT for America 2018 National Conference will provide you all you need to be a part of this important and historic effort.