Preserving Canadian Heritage and Freedoms

Preserving The Constitution

For more than 35 years, the Constitution of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has been the guarantor of the fundamental rights held precious by Canadians: fundamental concepts like Freedom of Speech and the rule of law which have made our way of life the envy of all.

The fundamental concepts of our Constitution and Charter are woven through the history of Western Civilization, from Magna Carta to the present day. ACT! For Canada is dedicated to protecting these fundamental freedoms from external threats that would weaken these values, or make them subservient to foreign laws that fail to honour these inalienable rights.

Protecting Free Speech

ACT! For Canada along with the Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms; and other organizations are actively fighting Motion M-103 which is a precursor to implementing incompatible foreign Sharia laws into our nation.

See the work done by ACT! For America here.