History of Sharia Law in Canada
Sharia law is advancing in Canada at national, provincial and local levels. For an overview of related events read more here. The following is a brief history.
Classroom Da'Wah
Islamic Proselytizing and Indoctrinization, 1997 To Present
Valley Park Middle School. In 1997, Muslims pressured a public high school in Toronto to hold Muslim prayers towards Mecca on Fridays. They also proselytized Islam and distributed the Quran and other literature promoting Islam inside the school premise. To the right is the scene at Valley Park Middle School, a public school in Toronto, Ontario in 2008 - a decade after Mark Harding took a stand against it. Instead of just a classroom, the cafeteria becomes a mosque on Friday afternoons so that Muslim students can listen to an imam from a nearby mosque, read the Quran and pray towards Mecca. In the photo, the boys are praying in front of the girls, who are praying in front of the menstruating girls, who are forbidden to pray. The same scene is repeated at an increasing number of public schools across Canada today and many of their cafeterias only serve Halal food that has been sacrificed to Allah, the moon god. It should be noted that public schools in Canada provide neither facilities for the Christian students to gather and worship nor kosher food for the Jewish students. [quoted from]
In 2017, Mississauga City Council attempted to introduce legislation to promote Islamic Da'wah in the school system. This was bitterly fought by Kevin Johnston of the Freedom Report who was subsequently charged with hate speech. Check out his Freedom Report and BitChute pages for details.
Sharia Polygamy Laws
Attempted Introduction in Ontario, 2003
The provincial governments of Canada for years have tacitly recognized Sharia law for Canada's Muslim minority by sending multiple welfare checks to polygamous Muslim men who raise multiple families in Canada.
In 2003, Muslims in Ontario attempted to make the provincial government set aside its laws and have only the Sharia law apply to Muslims. After a fierce debate, the Premier of Ontario eventually stepped in and pushed back against Sharia, at least for then.
Sharia Laws
Attempted Introduction in Quebec, 2005
On May 26, 2005, Quebec lawmakers from all parties voted unanimously in the legislature to reject the use of Islamic tribunals in the legal system. The vote was a pre-emptive strike to stop a growing movement among some Muslims to have the religion to play a role in family law.
Liberal backbencher Fatima Houda-Pepin said any move to allow Muslim family law would lead to similar demands in criminal and civil legal areas.
"The application of Sharia in Canada is part of a strategy to isolate the Muslim community so it will submit to an archaic vision of Islam," said Houda-Pepin, the sponsor of the motion.
Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act
June, 2015
The Harper Conservative government introduced this law which reiterated that polygamy is a crime, as are "barbaric practices" such as genital mutilation and the forced marriage of children. It was criticised for having an Islamophobic tone. Yet it struck a chord with those Canadians who feel Muslims do not share their values. Read the Act here.
Motion M103
A Precursor to Sharia Blasphemy Legislation, March 2017
Quoted from
In February of 2017, the Canadian Parliament considered two competing motions on religious discrimination.
One, tabled by David Anderson, a Christian Member from Saskatchewan, proposed to: "condemn all forms of systemic racism, religious intolerance, and discrimination of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious communities."
The other, tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim Member from Ontario, named "Islamophobia" and swept discrimination against Christians and others into a broad generalization. Her proposal, known as "Motion 103" or "M-103," stated that the government should: condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination."
In March of 2017, the Canadian Parliament defeated David Anderson's motion by 165-126 and passed Iqra Khalid's "Motion 103" by a landslide 201-91; the government of this nation now officially condemns anyone who exposes the Taqiyya of Islamophobia.
Quoted from Al Jazeera:
Canadian politicians have passed a motion that condemns Islamophobia and requests that the government recognise the need to "quell the public climate of fear and hate".
The non-binding motion, which condemns "Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination", passed on Thursday among a divided parliament.
It asks a parliamentary committee to launch a study on how the government could address the issue, with recommendations due in mid-November.
The study should look at how to "develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia," the motion says.
Liberal MP, Iqra Khalid introduced the motion, also referred to as M-103, last December, but it gained significance after the January attack on a Quebec mosque that left six Muslim men dead.
"I think that we need to continue to build those bridges amongst Canadians, and this is just one way that we can do this," Khalid said after the vote in parliament.
The motion garnered an online backlash, petitions against it and nationwide protests. According to local media, Khalid has also received death threats after introducing M-103.
Critics worried that condemning Islamophobia barred them from criticising Islam, which could curtail the right to free speech.
What Can Be Done
Suggestions to stop creeping Sharia:
1. Work hard to vote in conservative governments at national and provincial levels to replace existing Islamic-compliant Liberal and NDP governments.
2. Write your members of parliament.
3. Sign online petitions: M-103
4. Attend local city council meetings and speak out.