Google's motto used to be "Don't be evil." Tellingly, in 2018, two years after Trump won the presidential election, at which time Google went into mourning, Google erased those words from its ethos. Now, it has a free hand to do evil and, staffed by malignant, leftist, narcissistic ideologues, it's going full speed ahead. Most recently, it used...
Big Tech and The Media
Tucker Carlson bombshell: Americans are controlled by a vast, invisible censorship regime
Since the very beginning, the internet has been a federal program with its roots in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ("DARPA"). DARPA, as you may know, is the research and development arm of the Department of Defense. Google started with a grant from DARPA to Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who also got funding from CIA and NSA programs....
VIVA, Tucker!
Perhaps the biggest takeaway from the interview for me personally was something that was so blatantly obvious—and something of which I have heard no one else discuss: Vladimir Putin has more brain power than Joe Biden (DUH!), Donald Trump and the entire U.S. Congress combined. Because of America's controlled media, most of us Americans have never...
This is not a futuristic dystopia. It's happening now. Government agencies are working with universities and nonprofits to use AI tools to surveil and censor content on the Internet. This is not political or partisan. This is not about any particular opinion or idea.
Tucker Turns the Table on FAKE News
Tucker Carlson left a gaping unfixable hole in Fake News in his 102 million-views interview with Russia President Vladimir Putin last night. Google couldn't squelch the interview, nor could the big-talking WEF, or any other of the worldwide propagandists riding on the high wave of our present day Fake News when Tucker managed to pull off...
So, what is so different about "Farha"? The film presents the IDF soldiers as bloodthirsty monsters who amuse themselves with the death of helpless innocents. In Salem's film the Israelis kill Just. For no reason. They're doing it for fun. Such events never occurred. The film is a total lie. It is a dangerous blood libel and incitement against the...
The devastating Hamas weapon of war
The BBC and other western media outlets have thus become more than useful idiots. In behaving exactly as Hamas wants in recruiting the western public to service its war aims, the media have become a critical weapon deployed by those waging war against both Israel and civilisation.
Broad discovery of email exchanges between the government and social media companies showed an administration willing to use its regulatory powers against social media companies that did not comply with censorship demands. The case revealed that a dozen federal agencies—including the CDC, the Office of the Surgeon General, and the Biden White...
Hate Ecosystem and Fifth Gen Warfare
As some of you may know, I write about fifth generation warfare from the point of view of someone who has been constantly subjected to it for about three years. Day in and day out. Five, ten times a day. Coordinated waves of attacks, some clearly coming from corporate media cooperating with the US Government and Pharma, others from the...
The end of the Washington Post
The Washington Post is collapsing. Once one of America's great media institutions, the paper lost $100 million last year and has shed 500,000 subscribers. Recent reports reveal that Post owner Jeff Bezos is going to be more hands-on to try and save the paper.