Three Cheers for Tommy Robinson


One member of the Copenhagen audience suggested that the struggle against the Islamization of Europe was already lost. Tommy disagreed firmly and inspiringly. If we'd thought that way a few decades ago, he said, "we'd be speaking German." It's a matter, he said, of people waking up. And if the deaths of all those children and teenagers at the Ariane Grande concert in Manchester in May 2017 didn't wake Britain up, then "we've got lots more bloodshed to come." But eventually, he insisted, people will wake up. And when it happens, it'll happen fast. And it'll be decisive.

It is a shameful position for the UK that Tommy Robinson has been de-personned, institutionally vilified and persecuted by the legal system for standing up for what used to be a fundamental British value – speaking out against injustice. And even sadder that he had to go to Denmark to be heard.

Let's hope he's right. In any event, one thing's for sure: as Aia Fog put it, Tommy is the backbone of Britain. In the year 2023, indeed, he's the closest thing that his country has to Winston Churchill. When will the moral pygmies who run his country, and who consider themselves his betters, recognize it?

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