Is Trump “More Worthy” of Nobel Peace Prize Than Obama?


It's astonishing that President Barack Obama was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Forget the fact that he had barely set foot in the Oval Office when he was bestowed the honour - Obama's legacy, in a sad twist of irony, is one of destabilization and chaos around the globe.

Be it pandering to the mullahs in Iran or supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and the undermining of our allies in the Middle East; be it turning a blind eye when Russia invaded Crimea; or in pandering to China - Obama brought havoc and bloodshed, not peace, to the world at large.

Now consider President Donald Trump, who is already slated to engage in talks with the North Korean regime and may be the one president capable of bringing peace to the Korean peninsula.

With NATO revitalized, Jerusalem recognized as the undivided capital of Israel, and ISIS defeated, who is more worthy of that Nobel Prize?

The answer is clear.

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