The three D’s” – despair, deprivation, and dread - a good description of COVID 19.


Where does it come from, this sabotaging of the human mind, all this rat-nibbling at our brains? Perhaps it should be described as psychological warfare, psy-ops - but applied toward our fellow citizens, not to an external enemy. A parallel would be the Zersetzung ("decomposition") of the mind, once used by the State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst, SSD), commonly known as Stasi, the spy network in Communist East Germany - subliminal tricks to get victims to doubt their sanity, to start losing their minds. The Stasi routine: someone enters the victim's home, a few items are moved around, a few items are stolen, he receives some disgusting phone calls about his spouse or his children, his friends drift away. Seeds of doubt are sown, pressuring him to deny the obvious, to such an extent that he becomes a basket case.

The average Westerner is subjected to brainwashing every day, all day. Decades ago, the procedures of brainwashing were summarized as "the three D's" - despair, deprivation, and dread. (Obeying orders in the first place would have been so much easier!) Hollywood movies and mainstream journalism pound the globalist message into our heads that Caucasians are bad (unless they are rich), and that the world should be transformed into the slave planet, with all gender, nationality, parenthood, and history scrubbed out of people's brains. The hunts are beginning, and the hounds have been set loose.

At the same time, dumbing-down has become such a problem that it is difficult to speak to people here in Canada, even people who have been born here. When I was a child, there was nothing wrong with using a polysyllabic vocabulary - oh, sorry, I mean "big words." But large numbers of North Americans believe that the earth is flat, or that the earth is bigger than the sun, or that God created the world about six thousand years ago. And getting a Westerner to read books is like getting a dog to play chess.

Back in the 1950s, Canada was "the True North Strong and Free." Now it's a place where people apply for spirit-crushing jobs, try to sign up for transgendering operations, and hope to live for a few years without getting arrested.

The Bible tells us of the ten virgins who were invited to a wedding feast. Five of them were foolish, forgetting to bring oil for their lamps, and five were wise, bringing oil, so that they were allowed to go inside to the feast, while the foolish virgins were left outside. Well, I don't quite know how to interpret that parable, but somehow we've got ourselves a lot of foolish virgins.

Keep the following in mind: Marxism = Bolshevism = communism = socialism = "liberalism" = totalitarianism. The Nazis killed about 17 million people, but the Communists have killed about 100 million, according to Stéphane Courtois et al. in The Black Book of Communism.

There seems to be a part of the human brain that can succumb to a blind and total renunciation of willpower, of thought, of reason, all for the sake of a guaranteed place in a robotic substitute for paradise. Maybe the great enthusiasm for joining Christian monasteries in the Middle Ages was just one more form of the same thing - put in a few hours of chanting every day, and get guaranteed room and board for life.

Arthur Koestler (who knew from experience) went one step further with The Ghost in the Machine, saying that all humans are born with a brain defect of a very concrete sort, that leads them to that suicidal step. I don't know if he proved his case, but certainly he seems right in a metaphorical way. And look at today's China, with its "social credit" - every Chinese person followed like a rat in a cage.

Humans are born with a problem: "neoteny" - the growing skull won't fit through the mother's pelvis, so the human child must be born "premature," so to speak. That's followed by many years of growing up but outside the mother's womb. I wonder if there's a "silent partner," a stowaway - the human then spends a great deal of its time wanting to get back to the womb, for which a totalitarian environment might seem the answer.

An example of the failure to develop the full potential of the human brain is the general ignorance about the Ponzi scheme that constitutes all of modern finance: the Federal Reserve System, fiat banking, etc., everything G. Edward Griffin describes in The Creature from Jekyll Island. Everyone's income pays for less than before, and each person's home is easily lost through the nightmare of paying for everyday bills. And the sink-or-swim daily routine of employment means that no job is guaranteed for more than a month in the future. The chances of actually living in a house of one's own, with no little horrors of losing it, become less and less likely.

It amazes me, though, that politicians, with their silly smiles, with their multi-acre homes, with all their money and power, can talk about such things as multiculturalism, mass immigration, as if this were a purely dispassionate exercise in demographics, a matter of educating the simple people, with their primitive superstitions, to the algebra of the coming global dictatorship, and to the unavoidable facts of an intensely overcrowded planet, three times the size of what it was in 1950, when "wilderness" did not yet mean "places on the Earth where permanent human life is impossible."

Today's politicians never mention the fact that love of one's home can be as strong and as powerful a thing in the human breast as love of one's own family, or any other love, that homesickness can be as strong as any other emotional pain, and that without that bond to the home a human being is like a fetus without an umbilical cord. Not only has that event, that death, apparently gone unnoticed, but we must also consider the final consequences of a culture that is largely rootless.

Love of the land, I mean a little plot of land, on the edge of the sea, on the edge of the forest, was recorded in words that can easily be found. The Norwegian national anthem begins, "Yes, we love this land, where the wild sea foams, wind- and weather-beaten. . . ." And Sir Walter Scott asked: "Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, / Who never to himself hath said, / This is my own, my native land!"

Peter Goodchild

October 3, 2020