The real Roger Scruton scandal


Scruton's other 'unacceptable comments' include saying that Hungarians in recent years have been 'alarmed' by 'the sudden invasion of huge tribes of Muslims from the Middle East'. This is indeed very worrying language. It is the one part of the interview that feels ugly. So why not challenge it? Why simply cite it as evidence for why Scruton is unfit for public life? For a public role that has precisely nothing to do with immigration or Islam?

Scruton also said that Islamophobia is a word 'invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to stop discussion of a major issue'. What's wrong with that? I would dispute that the Muslim Brotherhood invented the word. There are so many competing claims as to who invented it. And in the UK context, it was the Runnymede Trust that popularized it. But it strikes many of us as utterly uncontroversial to suggest that accusations of Islamophobia are used to close down discussion about Islam, Islamist extremism, social and cultural tensions, and so on. Because Scruton thinks Islamophobia is a phrase used to chill public debate, he deserves to be sacked? That's crazy.

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