“Terrorist Attack” Manual Targeting Atlanta Hospital Found At New Mexico Jihad Compound
A handwritten document titled "Phases of a Terrorist Attack" was found at a New Mexico encampment where the son of a famous New York Imam allegedly murdered his three-year-old son and trained several children to commit acts of terrorism, reports CNN. The handwritten document contained "instructions for 'The one-time terrorist,' instructions on the use of a 'choke point,' a location 'called the ideal attack site,' the 'ability to defend the safe haven,' the 'ability to escape-perimeter rings,' and 'sniper position detection procedure,'" according to the court filing.
For her decision to free the suspects, Backus says she has received over 200 threats, including death threats, which resulted in the evacuation of a New Mexico courthouse on Tuesday. Backus has been called an "Islamic terrorist sympathizer" and a "disgusting garbage human," according to Massey.