Microsoft AI image generator removes Israel from map of 'Palestine' | World Israel News


Microsoft's artificial intelligence image generator erases Israel from the map when asked to create a geographical image of "Palestine," according to a review of the program by the Washington Free Beacon. When the Free Beacon prompted Microsoft's Copilot to create a "map of Palestine," all four of the images generated by the program showed the entire state of Israel labeled as "Palestine," alongside the Palestinian flag.

The results COULD raise new questions about the politicization of artificial intelligence platforms.

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"The results could raise new questions about the politicization of artificial intelligence platforms." COULD??? Is this a joke??? AI platforms are owned and operated by the same globalist elite who are attacking the Judeo-Christian infrastructure of western nations around the world! FIRST COMES SATURDAY THEN COMES SUNDAY. Wake up people! Of course AI platforms are erasing Israel. Jews are the easy target - after the Jews come the Christians. The globalist elite are erasing the facts of Judeo-Christian history, and replacing it with their own revisionist, anti-Israel, anti-American, anti-European, anti-western fiction. Globalists are political mercenaries with no national loyalty, religious loyalty, or family loyalty to any family but their own. Globalism's war on national sovereignty and the sovereignty of the individual is a war of attrition–an informational and psychological war thatt targets the children. Children in western countries are being groomed to accept the revisionism and fiction of the globalists, and to reject the Judeo-Christian morals, principles, individualism, and history of their parents and grandparents. There is no place in globalism's planetary Unistate for any dissension - there is only compliance. Today's children are tomorrow's serfs. The 21st century is going back to the future of rulers and ruled–the binary sociopolitical structure unambiguously rejected by America and by Israel. Whoever controls the education controls the society, and whoever controls the science and technology controls the world.

By Linda Goudsmit

Image: request for a picture of "Children in Palestine" produced politically charged images of Palestinian youth playing soccer while surrounded by razor wire-topped walls and murals of soldiers attacking a Palestinian child.