Major overreach of powers must be opposed now to protect Charter Rights


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has stated that there is "no basis" for the state of emergency declared by Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson over the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest.

As the Justice Centre points out in their press release, the behavior of the truckers has been entirely courteous and becoming since their arrival in the capital eight days ago.

And, despite the declaration of a state of emergency, the Ottawa police's press release from this past Sunday shows that just seven arrests for minor offences were carried out, even though tens of thousands of protesters were present over the weekend.

Convoy organizers, including their security and law enforcement liaison, stated that all incidents of claimed arrests and other alleged negative acts, did not involve persons related to the convoy or its supporters.

Nevertheless, Mayor Watson has claimed that the Freedom Convoy is "a danger of major proportions."

The truth is that the real danger of major proportions is Watson's egregious overreach of powers, and looming police crackdown -- on peaceful protestors who are simply exercising their Charter Rights.

If you are upset with Mayor Watson's overreach, could we ask you to do two things about it:

1) Call his office at 613-580-2496 to politely, but firmly, tell him to rescind his "state of emergency" order.


2) To email Mayor Watson on, to do the same...politely, but firmly, tell him to rescind the "state of emergency" order, and tell the Ottawa police to defend the Charter Rights of the truckers.

Thank you for making the effort to protect the Charter Rights of ALL Canadians who stand with the truckers for freedom, and against government overreach.

PS - Please CLICK HERE to read all of the latest articles from LifeSiteNews about 'Freedom Convoy 2022'. Thank you!