Jordan Peterson: Gender politics has no place in the classroom


I can barely envision a pedagogical strategy less conducive to stable early childhood development, particularly for a thoughtful child, which is exactly what "N" seems to be - much to her detriment, in this situation. Trusting her teacher, as she apparently did, "N" listened to her lessons and tried to think through what the complicated and internally contradictory mess of information she was presented with might actually signify - and failing, as was inevitable, because there is nothing that it signifies that is reasonable, logical, practical, or true.

No matter: "gender fluidity" is school board policy, even for six-year olds, and the distress of a perfectly normal child at the lessons is a price well worth paying to ensure that ideological purity, no matter how counterproductive and absurd, is stringently maintained. Better the child suffers than the teacher thinks. Better the entire educational system reformulates itself around the new dogma (and to hell with the possibility that the experiment might go wrong) than the ideologues governing its structure question their absurd and fundamentally resentful presumptions.

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