In Britain, Another Step Toward the Abyss


The podcaster Konstantin Kisin, who has been an outspoken critic of wokeness but who rejects the conservative label, agreed. In his own February 23 article for the Free Press website, he maintained that even the recent weekend street protests by violent anti-Semites enthusiasts "pale in comparison" to Hoyle's pusillanimous capitulation to Muslim threats. Eight centuries after its founding, Kisin lamented, the Mother of Parliaments had, out of fear, abandoned its principles. "[I]t is now clear," he wrote, "that Britain has a problem with Islamist extremism that requires immediate and drastic action….People who threaten violence should be arrested and locked up for a very long time….Foreign nationals who engage in, call for, fund, or glorify violence, religious hatred, or other violent extremism should be deported immediately."

Good for Kisin – and for Braverman. Yet note that both of them insist on using the weasel word "Islamism" instead of admitting that the problem is Islam, period.

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