Did Hamas Lure the IDF into Attacking the WCK Vehicles?


A Hamas gunman apparently stepped onto the running board of one of the WCK vehicles, then fired in the air, and quickly jumped off. This single shot in the war is used by Hamas as a signal to start an operation. That gunmen was detected by the IDF, that then tried to call WCK. WCK tried to reach the aid workers in the convey, but they did not answer. The IDF drones at no point detected the identification mark of WCK on the top of one of the three vehicles (the other two had no marks). It was pitch black, and the smoke from the first vehicle to be hit would likely have obscured even more the roofs of the remaining two vehicles, including the one that carried the WCK sign. The IDF has explained that the darkness, and the small size of the WCK logo, made it difficult for the drone to see it. But what made it impossible to identify the aid convoy was the fact that the drone's infrared cameras lacked the ability to make out the WCK logo.

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Image: Cvv News