Decorated Canadian Ret. Major slams Trudeau’s Gun Ban: ‘We are Edging towards Tyranny’


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and The Liberal Party of Canada just banned over 1,500 gun models without allowing any parliamentary debate. In this RAIR Foundation USA interview, decorated Canadian Major (Ret'd) Russ Cooper discusses the recent ban of semi-automatic firearms, which is happening while there is a spike in firearms sales in Canada.

In the wake of the coronavirus, many Canadians sought to purchase weapons, echoing the "highest ever spike" in gun sales in America. It is only natural that during a time of crisis and uncertainty, people would deeply consider the protection of themselves and their loved ones.

A semi-automatic firearm can only fire one round per trigger pull, but the gun-grabbing left often falsely characterizes these weapons as if they have automatic capabilities, firing many rounds while the trigger is depressed. Major Cooper tells RAIR that moving semi-automatic firearms into a 'prohibited' classification "is a move based on the emotional impact of weapons that look like their military counterparts that operate in 'automatic' modes."

Major Cooper's point is evident in a Tweet from leftist Canadian Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino, who Tweeted a photo of scary looking guns to emphasize his point . . .

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