Consent of the Governed, Where Art Thou?


The failure to disclose the risks of the gene therapy-based COVID vaccines by the U.S. and other "Western" governments became widespread, chronic, and well-documented. Fast forwarding to the present, on Dec. 22, 2023 investigative journalist Greg Piper of the alternative "Just the News" published yet another chapter in the abundant library of documented government withholding of key information concerning COVID genetic "vaccine" harms.

Basically, the State is asserting that it has the right to sentence you to increased risk of death and disease by purchasing (using tax dollars), mandating (vaccines for children program), distributing, enticing, and marketing an injectable product while censoring or defaming (using modern psychological warfare technologies) any and all who disagree or even have the temerity to question the decisions and rights of the State to do so.

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Image: Peshkova/Shutterstock