CCP Influence on Prince Edward Island, Canada


Mr. Gary Clement, a former RCMP officer, said at the event that one of his sources claims that every Chinese business in Canada has to pay protection money to organized crime. China's triads of organized crime groups are allegedly linked to the CCP. "This is about organized transnational crime disrupting your province, and it's going to get worse," he said. "This idea of them building a port—do whatever you can to stop it."

He alleged that the Surrey Fraser Docks there were funded by China, which he said has used Canada since 2000 as a transshipment point for exporting illegal fentanyl to the United States. "We're talking about Asian-based organized crime that has infiltrated our countries," he said, comparing the triads to "Hell's Angels multiplied by 50."

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Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images