Canada’s Anti-Hate Network Attacks 'Act! For Canada' in Desperate Hunt for Hate


Their main thesis, probably confirmed long before they even began reading the AFC website, is that any resistance to progressivism is rightly viewed not as expression of legitimate concern but as an attempt to "remain relevant" by far-right haters and conspiracy theorists. The authors end by expressing their dismay at the "resilience" of groups such as Act! For Canada.

That's the one thing the CAHN reporters got right. Despite risible and poorly written smear jobs like this one, despite the belittling and mocking of love of country, a sizeable number of Canadians will continue to think for themselves and to exercise their (ever diminishing) rights to freedom of expression, religion, and assembly, thankful for the zealous efforts of patriots like Valerie Price and Tanya Gaw.

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 Valerie Price, Executive-Director of Act! For Canada with friends Tarek Fatah (left) and Salim Mansur (right)