AFC Newsletter - May 11, 2018


"For it requires only the convictions that life is better

than death, health is better than sickness, abundance

is better than want, freedom is better than coercion,

happiness is better than suffering, and knowledge is

better than superstition and ignorance."

~ Steven Pinker ~

This Weekly Newsletter is designed to give you the most current information about Islam, terrorism around the world and the machinations of our government. Don't let the length of this Newsletter intimidate you. We have all levels of interest and readers - we try to separate the information by topic to make it easier for you.

Remember: Muslims are people who follow Islam. It is the doctrine of Islam, and those Muslims who follow practices prescribed in the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Sira that is a danger to Canada. These religious practices include strict adherence to Sharia law, which permits female genital mutilation, allows husbands to beat their wives, honor killings, child marriages, killing of apostates and almost no human rights for women and children; all of which are antithetical to our Canadian way of life.

In Islamic countries, Sharia law is included in the constitution and enforced by the government. The majority of Muslims in Canada do not follow these practices (we hope) as they do in Islamic countries. Many are here to escape Sharia. It is our job to understand the differences and educate all citizens. We are a nation that welcomes all people who are willing to embrace our Canadian laws and assimilate into our society.

Notes from the Cassandra Society

by John Thompson

What's an Ideologue to do?

Fireworks are flying in the Middle East again... which is not unusual. This is likewise true in Washington, which is again not unusual. However, it does not take the perception of Casandra to predict what some people are going to say about it.


Trudeau government pushing "far right" and jihadi threats as equal concerns

"Right wing extremism" is not a current threat to public safety in Canada. Islamic supremacist incursion, however, is a very big threat, along with potential jihad attacks, and they are even more urgently a problem because of Justin Trudeau's policies. The report below also reveals the ongoing overt attempts to malign groups that have genuine and valid concerns about what Trudeau is doing to the country by labeling such groups as "far right," "Nazi" and the like.

Another controversial Islamic group gets Summer Jobs Grant funding

Another controversial Islamic group with ties to a terrorist organization will receive the Trudeau government's Canada Summer Jobs Grant, the Sun has learned. According to a government database of grant recipients, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) has been approved to receive ten grants to fund activities for its various chapters across Ontario.

Even more controversial Islamic job grants recipients emerge byCandice Malcolm

The Islamic Circle of North America has been approved for the grant. While the organization has been accused of being a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, Canadians should also be concerned about the organization's extremist rhetoric, including a page on its website called "Diseases Related to Homosexuality" and a page dedicated to defending Sharia Law in North America.

Border Crisis in Canada

Canada's southern border is being invaded by illegal migrants. In 2017, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent a tweet, welcoming the world's self-professed refugees to Canada. In the first 12 months that followed Trudeau's invitation, Canadian officials processed over fifty thousand illegals, meaning there are now more people seeking asylum illegally than legally in the country

Justin Trudeau's Liberals had some WHOPPERS for Canadians today on the illegal border crossings

This morning the Justin Trudeau Liberals held an emergency press conference on the border crossings, but they got the facts wrong. Mayors and premiers across Canada are asking the Prime Minister to help them cope with their over-burdened homeless shelters and depleted book banks that are filled with people who have illegally entered Canada from the US. This is unfair, unsustainable and uncompassionate.

Trudeau Government Busted Spreading Fake Stats on Illegal Border Crosser Rejections

The Trudeau government has been busted spreading fake news about the number of illegal border crossers from Nigeria who are being rejected.They tried claiming 90% Nigerian 'asylum' claimants were being rejected. Turned out that stat was totally false. Their failure at the border, and their failure to be honest with Canadians keeps getting worse.

Canada to admit nearly 1 million immigrants over next 3 years

Conservative immigration critic Michelle Rempel was critical of the plan, suggesting the government needs to do a better job of integrating newcomers. "It is not enough for this government to table the number of people that they are bringing to this country. Frankly the Liberals need to stop using numbers of refugees, amount of money spent, feel-good tweets and photo ops for metrics of success in Canada's immigration system."

Feds ordering tents for the border in anticipation of more illegal migrants

The federal government's plan to deal with a new influx of asylum seekers is to install enough tents at the border to house up to 520 people at a time. The Conservatives want Canada to apply the Safe Third Country Agreement to the entire border so that most asylum seekers would be turned away by RCMP officers.

Illegal Border Crossing Surge Overwhelms Toronto Shelters

Because of the continued influx, homeless Torontonians (Canadian citizens) are seeing an increasingly strained system. Even as the number of homeless people seeking shelter rises, illegal border crossers are rising even faster.

Trudeau Liberals Pass Bill C-48 'Oil Tanker Ban' In House of Commons, Which Could Crush $16 Billion Pipeline Project

Indigenous-owned Eagle Spirit - who are seeking to build a 1,500 KM pipeline - are challenging the Trudeau government in court to stop bill C-48. It's interesting how Trudeau talks a big game about 'reconciliation,' but ignores a bunch of First Nations when they oppose his foreign-funded radical leftist agenda.

Keep Iran at arm's length

Rapprochement with Iran - through exchanges of ambassadors or otherwise - will bring no advantage other than to the fortunes of the mullahs' malevolent, emboldened rule. Tehran's fanatical, aggressively destabilizing regime, and its friends and influencers in Canada, already have enough of a presence in this country and beyond. Rather than weaken, we must limit the ayatollahs' avenues into our nation, contain this global threat, and embrace sound international efforts to encourage constructive democratic change in Iran.

Why should campus groups foot security costs for controversial public forums?

It's appalling that $28,500 worth of risk can become a factor, merely should a person decide to hold a public discussion. You see, $28,500 is the security fee the Laurier Society for Open Inquiry (LSOI) was told it would have to pay in order to explore "multiculturalism, borders, and identity in Canada" at a venue at the University of Waterloo.

An Edmonton judge condemns the NDP thug who punched our reporter Sheila Gunn Reid

Sheila had gone there to report on a left-wing "Women's March." It was basically an NDP rally against Donald Trump. So: the usual professional protesters from the left. Of course, the event was dominated by NDP men. One of them saw Sheila, and recognized her from The Rebel. He started arguing with her; then swearing at her; then he said he'd hit her - and then he did.

Djermane and Jamali agree to peace bod, to 'be of good behaviour'

The young couple acquitted in December on charges alleging they were preparing to leave Canada to join ISIL in Syria agreed on Friday to sign a peace bond acknowledging Canadian authorities have reasonable grounds to suspect they might carry out a terrorist act. After they were arrested, investigators found the instructions for a pressure cooker bomb inside a condo Djermane had just moved into.

Scheer Rips Trudeau For "Trying To Rig The Next Election" With Bill C-76

Justin Trudeau's bill C-76 elections 'reform' bill is a disaster. Not only has the former elections watchdog said the bill fails to safeguard Canadians private info, but it also makes it easier for third-party political action committees (Super PACs), to spend tons of money in the electoral process.

Students for Western Civilization

What is the relation between multiculturalism and ethnocide? How have the neo-Marxist doctrines of critical race theory and decolonization played into European consciousness in Canada? I'm joined by George Hutcheson, Director of Students for Western Civilisation in Toronto for an in-depth look at the ethnocidal face of multiculturalism.

Freedom of Speech

Does This Article Contain Hate Speech?

Based on nothing more than their out-of-control savior complexes and unacknowledged sadism, they have gone on a global campaign to destroy, ostracize, and jail anyone who is even perceived as attempting to hurt the feelings of one of their non-functionally retarded pet groups. They would have you believe that wishing to preserve your family and culture and nation is an act of destruction rather than one of self-preservation. We are in the throes of a moral panic engineered by children. Dangerous children. Children with their grubby little fingers on the levers of power.

Mobs Against Our Rights

Politically-motivated mobs have recently decided that they "are" government, or that they get to redefine our rights . . . by violating them. Governments should go back to doing their first job, defending rights - especially by taking very seriously mob actions, in taverns and on the streets and campuses that use intimidation, violence and threats to squelch others' rights to speak and assemble freely.

The day for freedom was not a far right rally

If you want to know why the left keeps losing, look no further than the fallout from last Sunday's 'Day for Freedom' march in London. The event was publicised as a protest against the ongoing erosion of free speech in the UK, most notably through the increasingly draconian application of hate-speech laws. The man behind the march was Tommy Robinson, former leader of the EDL, who took umbrage at being permanently banned from Twitter for his incendiary remarks about Islam.


American Muslims Accused of Islamophobia

Islamophobia accusations are not just a tool of external repression, but also of internal repression. Its method of linking any criticism of Islam to Islamophobia, to racism and colonialism, enlists the left in the Muslim Brotherhood's project to silence Muslim critics by accusing them of bigotry and prejudice. When 30% of Muslims are willing to admit that their culture has a problem, that's healthy. And when the Muslim Brotherhood and the left silences them by calling them Islamophobes, that's the phobia. Not a phobia of Islam. But a phobia of criticism, of change and of truth.


Anti-Semitism in Europe is back, and some blame recent refugees for fuelling it

Existing far-right hatred of Jews in France and Germany is being stoked by recent refugees, say some. A spectre that many hoped had all but disappeared has returned to haunt Europe. The spectre is anti-Semitism, and it has caused great disquiet in the two largest countries of the European Union, Germany and France. Add to that the stain of coded, and in some cases openly anti-Semitic, language in countries farther east in the EU, and the outlook is darkly clouded.

Facebook, Google, Twitter

Tommy Robinson at #DayForFreedom: 'I'm Taking Twitter to Court to Prove Facts Are Now Treated as Hate'

"They have managed to silence people so they're too scared to speak up when they see things that are wrong. They're too scared to tell the truth and identify problems with an ideology and a religion in our country, because they're worried about being called 'racist'.The establishment now realise that tag is dead. No-one cares anymore about being labelled as a 'racist'."

AmazonSmile offers charitable donations only for leftists

Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok has been clear that the organization's real mission has nothing to do with tolerance. "Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on.... I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them." And, what's worse, SPLC is quite open about the fact that their labels are completely arbitrary. "Our criteria for a 'hate group,' first of all, have nothing to do with criminality or violence... It's strictly ideological."

Facebook accused of introducing jihadis to one another via 'suggested friends' feature

Facebook has helped introduce thousands of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) extremists to one another, via its 'suggested friends' feature, it can be revealed. The social media giant - which is already under fire for failing to remove terrorist material from its platform - is now accused of actively connecting jihadists around the world, allowing them to develop fresh terror networks and even recruit new members to their cause.

Double Standard at Facebook

This picture is circulating today on Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg's knowledge and approval. If you want to do something about it, send an email to:


How the Church Is Being Undermined from Within

Sharia law mandates that Muslims are not allowed to enter into peace agreements with non-Muslims or forgo their obligation to perform jihad. They also state that whereas Judaism and Christianity teach, "love of one's neighbor as one's self," Islam teaches followers to have enmity toward Jews and Christians as set forth in the Islamic doctrine of Al Wala Wa al Baraa, or Loyalty and Enmity. Central to Islamic ideology is that the Quran is the last of the holy books to be revealed and abrogates everything that came before it, as proclaimed in the Shahada or the Muslim prayer of affirmation: "There is no G‑d but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.

Around the World


Greek Islanders Protest EU: One-Third of Population Now Muslim Migrants

The lovely Greek isle of Lesbos is now under attack by Muslim invaders. They have brought utter chaos and lawlessness in their wake. How the European elites covet the breakdown in law and order; why else import hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants, among who will inevitably be an unknowable number of jihadis? It is no wonder that the locals are doing what they can to fight back.


Trump Ends Obama's Iran Hostage Crisis in 1,251 words, Trump crushed every lie about the Iran deal.

Jimmy Carter began the first Iranian hostage crisis and Reagan ended it. Obama began America's second Iranian hostage crisis. President Trump just ended it. President Trump made it clear that there will be no more dirty deals and payoffs. "America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail." America does not negotiate in bad faith. We're not suckers, stooges or patsies. And we will walk away from a bad deal. That message isn't just for Iran. It's also for North Korea. We're through being played.

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt Welcome President Trump's Withdrawal from JCPOA

Trump's statements will go down in history. They have many assertive messages to Iran and its supporters, and even to the U.S.'s European allies, [clarifying that] the U.S. will in no way agree to ambiguous positions and will act forcefully to prevent the Iranian regime from taking advantage of this agreement in order to realize its dream of obtaining nuclear weapons that will threaten the region and the entire world.

An Iranian girl burns the Quran

I am 20 years old and suffered all my life under the rule of this in Iran and they took everything away from us in the name of this book."


The night is darker just before dawn

The Iranian atomic bomb would be like uniting the destruction of Hiroshima, the hate of Auschwitz and the madness of Islamist martyrdom. This story, which could be the script of a great action movie, indicates something else, and that is the source of this impressive audacity: the absolute, unique and irreducible will of Israel to hold the fate of the Jewish people in its own hands.


Armenian Genocide: Turkey Cracks Down

The Christian genocide in Ottoman Turkey lasted for 10 years - from 1913 to 1923 - and targeted Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and other Christians. It resulted in the annihilation of around three million people. Although a century has passed since then, it is still a bleeding wound for the victims and their descendants.

United Kingdom

Tens of thousands of Londoners took to the streets to drive radical Islam out of London

It was one of the biggest demonstrations in London's history that has been completely ignored by the media - Football Lads Alliance march against Islamic extremism and radical Islamic terrorism in London. Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist". They ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race.

United States

CNN's "25 influential American Muslims" list a rogue's gallery of Jew-haters and jihad enablers

Where is CNN's 25 influential American Jews list? Its 25 influential American Christians list? And who CNN decided to include is telling. Pro-Sharia Jew-hater Linda Sarsour. Muslim Brotherhood-linked Congressmen Keith Ellison and Andre Carson. "Comedian" and hate peddler Dean Obeidallah. Pro-Sharia "moderate" imam Suhaib Webb. The imbecilic cannibal Reza Aslan.

Iran in the US Backyard

Not only has Latin America's passive acceptance of Iranian infiltration also allowed the Islamic Republic to create large networks of mosques and cultural centers across the region; in addition, Iran and Hezbollah operate in multiple areas and across multiple sectors, both licit and illicit, apparently to strengthen and expand their influence in Latin America and to enrich Hezbollah as a way to finance its growing terrorist and paramilitary activities.

Sleeping with the Enemy

American politics has become so toxic, so corrupt and so single-mindedly partisan on the part of the Democrats, as to border on treason. Allowing Khalid Sheik Mohammed to submit his thoughts about Haspel to the Senate Intelligence Committee is akin to allowing Heinrich Himmler to pick the judge at the Nuremberg Trials. To call this a travesty is an understatement.

Other Articles

Once Again on the Wrong Side of History by Valerie Sobel

Arab Spring, Brexit, North Korea, ISIS, open borders, Paris Climate Accord, election of Donald Trump, military departure from Iraq, funding of Abbas, BDS & Gaza "Protests", Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao's, Fidel's, Bernie's & Hillary's socialism and communism - the left is always on the wrong side of history. And with respect to the horrendous Iran Deal, they walk the suicidal plank of consistency once again.


A journey through three civilizations

Iranians aren't Arabs, and the Moslem religion was imposed on them by the sword. Not everyone in the Middle East is either fanatical Shia or Sunni. There is a civilized underground in Iran even today, and we should give it all the encouragement we can. President Trump is doing right by Iran's people.

Integrating Islam or Islamizing Integration?

If European integration is to succeed without submission to Islamization, Europeans must choose the path of freedom, and replace empty phrases with practical steps."When we see problems in other European countries, we no longer want Muslims in the Czech Republic."

Islam's Apostates - Captives Behind the Iron Veil

In Sharia, the worst crime a Muslim can commit is to leave Islam. No ifs or buts - death is the sentence, and that is why eight countries at that feted institution the UN treat apostasy from Islam as a capital crime. Not something much mentioned at their Human Rights confabs, but there it is. Better to pass another resolution against the Israelis for shooting violent Hamas agitators than address the genocidal threat against 1.6 billion Muslims contained in the Sharia and reflected in these national statutes.

The Humanitarian Hoax of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood and every one of its vile offshoots are terrorist organizations and should be classified as such. Every member of Congress should be required to read the Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum which clearly states the purpose of the MB in America - to destroy America from within and settle it under supremacist Islamic sharia law. Any member of Congress, after reading the Explanatory Memorandum, who refuses to reclassify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization is either too corrupt or too indoctrinated to hold office. Terrorism is treason. It is that simple.

The West Betrays the Kurds

The West is turning a blind eye to the fate of the Kurds" wrote Ivan Rioufol in France's Le Figaro. "They fought alongside us in the war against ISIS. Erdogan labels as 'terrorist' this small people arming women, who have their hair in the wind and leave religion in the private sphere".The Kurds were our ideal allies. They opened their cities, such as Erbil, to tens of thousands of Iraqi Christians expelled by ISIS from Mosul. Iraqi Kurdistan is today the only place in the Middle East, along with the State of Israel, that harbors and protects all religions and minorities.


The Muslim Brotherhood in France: Full Episode of Israeli Investigative Piece - A MUST WATCH

Here is an unusual video of actual intelligence collected on the streets of Paris. The man who goes undercover is a former Mossad agent, who is fluent in Arabic. This eye-opening exposé reveals the face of Islam that is only seen by Muslims. If we had an intelligence community worth its salt, this is the kind of work that would be done by the FBI in the US, and abroad by the CIA. This is one of the so-far 5 parts of an Israeli series on the Muslim Brotherhood in the West. Get a drink. You will need it.

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ACT! For Canada

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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