Global Tyranny

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) suspended 12 of its employees in Gaza last week, following allegations that they took part in the 7 October attack on Israel. These UN employees stand accused of abducting hostages, distributing weapons and even murdering innocent Israelis. Yet, as Brendan O'Neill argues today on spiked, these...

UNRWA's cozy relationship with Hamas was known for at least the past two decades, as it was with Fatah. The Israelis DID issue warning after warning about how Palestinian children were being radicalized and taught to hate and murder Jews, that UNRWA employees WILLINGLY (without coercion) stored munitions and missiles underneath what was ostensibly...

Hamas's attacks of 7th October were in specific breach of Geneva 4 Article 27 (protecting women) and the perpetrators are in breach of the most serious of the "grave breaches" of Geneva 4 set out in Article 147, namely wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment and the taking of hostages. For this they stand liable to severe punishment. Nuremberg...

An elated youth called Mahmoud called home to his father and mother in Gaza using a murdered Israeli woman's phone to boast about how he had just killed ten Jews with his own hands ("oh my son God bless you"... "Mom, your son is a hero"). Part of the recording was played to the judges of the ICJ as part...

I flew to Amsterdam. I was still inside Central Station when I heard the shouting. This tightly packed horde wasn't a group of individuals. It was a single large organism that seemed to speak with a single voice. No, not a voice. A howl. That's what I saw in that mob outside Central Station. Not a bunch of naive European...

Not for nothing, this year's motto is "Rebuilding Trust". Are you effing kidding? "Rebuilding trust", that says it all. Something is changing. The WEF is realizing that more and more people – including high-level executives – have lost and are increasingly losing trust in this corrupt dystopian, rules-based, One-World wannabe Order.

I believe Trump is being used as a radioactive straw man, whether he knows it or not, to further divide the country and keep our attention focused on the left-right paradigm, instead of where it belongs, on the globalist money people who run the politicians, military, education establishment, healthcare system, top religious leaders, major...

Schwab is proud of his initiative. In an interview at Harvard in 2017 he explained how "we penetrate the cabinets" of prime ministers and presidents who are also Young Global Leaders. Schwab was particularly pleased with his work in Canada, where he claimed half of Justin Trudeau's cabinet were "Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum."...