
Monitoring Radical Islamic Activity

Regional City and Town Halls

Attend and monitor city and town hall meetings to determine if there are any zoning applications, building permits or special applications related to mosques. Be ready to counter deceptive explanations of who they are and what they plan with verifiable facts about their ties to Islamic supremacist and jihad groups and individuals. Be polite, courteous, and respectful at these meetings, and make no assertions that cannot be verified.

District School Boards

Attend and monitor district school board meetings to determine if there are any special applications related to mosques. Be ready to counter deceptive explanations of who they are and what they plan with verifiable facts about their ties to Islamic supremacist and jihad groups and individuals. Be polite, courteous, and respectful at these meetings, and make no assertions that cannot be verified.

Monitor Activity

Local mosques should be monitored to find out about the local imans and organizers to determine whether they have any ties to Muslim Brotherhood or other terrorist organizations. Monitor to see whether they speak out against terrorism or the ideologies that inspire acts of Islamic supremacism and expansionism in Canada. Monitor for radical Islamic teachings and hate speech. Investigate their sources of funding to determine whether they are funded by Islamic supremacist organizations.

Open Eyes Save Lives Program

After the recent release of ISIS photographs threatening massacres in tourist destinations across America, including Times Square, their message is clear: they seek the demise of as many American citizens as possible. Considering the recent vehicle attacks that have happened in NYC and Barcelona, we need to take it seriously.

If you see or know about suspicious activities like the ones listed below, please report them immediately to the proper authorities.

Surveillance Tips

Be aware of the following surveillance tips on possible terrorist activity:

  • Anyone taking photos, video recording or monitoring activities, taking notes, using cameras, maps, binoculars, etc., near key facilities/events
  • Anyone attempting to gain information in person, by phone, mail, email, etc., regarding a key facility from people who work there
  • Any attempts to penetrate or test physical security or procedures at a key facility/event
  • Anyone attempting to improperly acquire explosives, weapons, ammunition, dangerous chemicals, uniforms, badges, flight manuals, access cards or identification for a key facility/event or to legally obtain items under suspicious circumstances that could be used in a terrorist attack
  • Any behavior that appears to be preparation for a terrorist act, such as mapping out routes, playing out scenarios with other people, monitoring key facilities/events, timing traffic lights or traffic flow, or other suspicious activities also known as "Dry Runs"
  • Abandoned vehicles, stockpiling of suspicious materials, or persons being deployed near a key facility/event.
  • Unusual clothing in a particular setting - If you live in a warm state such as Florida or Arizona and see someone dressed in an overcoat or unusual clothing for the season and the location, they may be hiding or packing explosives or a suicide belt.
  • Backpacks, bags, and luggage left unattended - Be aware if a person strategically places and leaves a bag. It's the holiday season where shopping malls and centers are packed with people. If you see any bag or backpack left unattended in any place, notify the authorities immediately.

Suspicious activity is often recalled after an event. We must train ourselves to be on the lookout for things that are out of the ordinary and arouse suspicions. If you see or notice any of these suspicious activities, please contact the local authorities immediately. Remember, you can do so anonymously - and alwaystrust your instincts.

Here is a helpful link: Canadian Security and Intelligence Service

For a more comprehensive list of surveillance tips and information, click HERE.

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