Some of our recent events have included:
Trevor Loudon is a celebrated author, filmmaker and political commentator from New Zealand, who has been researching the radical left for more than 30 years and is the foremost expert on left-wing organizers of mass protests. Mr. Loudon will also be discussing the recent anti-Islamophobia Motion M-103 brought forth in Parliament. "When Did WW III Begin? Stand up, fight the Muslim Brotherhood, fight the radicals, stand up for Canadian values, and just give 'em hell folks!"
He will be speaking in Ottawa:
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2016
Time: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Ottawa Public Library, Main Auditorium
Address: 120 Metcalfe St. (corner of Laurier Ave. W.)
Cost: $20.00; students with ID $15.00
And Montreal:
Date: Thursday, March 30, 2016
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: To be announced RSVP info@actforcanada.ca
Trevor Louden speaks at CPAC
For further information, please contact info@actforcanada.ca
Dr. Jordan Peterson has been much in the news recently for insisting on his right to freedom of speech in the face of attacks from gender identity activists who insist that he must use whatever gender-neutral or otherwise gendered pronouns they tell him to use (including neologisms such as "xe" and "xer"). Dr. Peterson argues that to use pronouns dictated by others is "compelled speech," that the doctrines that underlie Ontario's Bill C-16 (amending the Canadian Human Rights Act) share structural similarities with the Marxist ideas that drove Soviet Communism, and that he will not use words that are the construction of authoritarians. Dr. Peterson sees his tribulations as part of a war that is going on at the heart of Canadian culture, and the culture of the Western world.
Dr. Peterson will be speaking on post-modernism, Marxism, and political correctness.
- Date: Saturday, March 11, 2016
- Time: 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Location: Ottawa Public Library, Main Auditorium
- Address: 120 Metcalfe St. (corner of Laurier Ave. W.)
- Cost: $20.00; students with ID $15.00
Jordan Peterson speaks for those of us that refuse to follow the 'great liberal death wish' by Conrad Black
Jordan Peterson: A real professor at last by Rex Murphy
Professor Jordan Peterson His Stance On Gender Pronouns (short youtube)
Dr. Peterson's employer, the University of Toronto, has informed him that his refusal to use the pronouns dictated by gender activists could put his future employment with the university at risk. If you would like to support Dr. Peterson in his fight against totalitarian political correctness, you may sign this petition to the University of Toronto:
As there will be no reserved seats, it will be FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!
For further information, please contact info@actforcanada.ca
ACT! For Canada invites you to Michael Hansen's documentary on the Islamization of Europe
"Cancelled by the Ottawa Pubic Library. The Storm Troopers are now at the Gates of Canada"
Please join us at the main branch of the Ottawa Public Library for the showing of "KILLING EUROPE" produced by Michael Hansen, also known as "The Missing Dane." Hansen left his native Denmark for America fifteen years ago. He recently returned to Europe to make his documentary about the changes that have occurred since his departure. The extent of the Islamization of Europe is shocking - terrorist attacks, no-go zones, riots and gang rapes - with those in authority both in denial and cowed, seemingly blind to the catastrophe their "multicultural" doctrine has unleashed. Michael Hansen will be attending the showing of his film and will be available afterwards to answer questions and discuss the existential threat that Islam poses for the West.
See Vlad Tepes' interview with Michael Hansen here and a trailer for the film on the Gates of Vienna here.
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017
Time: 2 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Ottawa Public Library, Main Auditorium
Address: 120 Metcalfe St. (corner of Laurier Ave. W.)
Cost: $20.00; students with ID $15.00
For further information, please contact info@actforcanada.ca
- David Harris, former Director of Strategic Planning, CSIS.
- Barbara Kay, noted journalist with the National Post.
- Philippe Karsenty from France speaking on the blood libel Mohammed Al-Dura incident.
- Julie Taub, Ottawa immigration lawyer and member of the Immigration Board of Canada.
- David Solway, well-known author, poet and journalist.
- Dr. Alex Wilner, respected researcher in Global Terrorism.
- Mathieu Bock-Cote, a lecturer, an author, a columnist and a TV commentator.
- Bruce Bawer, journalist and well known author.
- Hege Storhaug, journalist, author and director of Human Rights Services in Oslo, Norway.
- Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, an Austrian convicted for hate speech for denigrating Islam.
- Dr. Salim Mansur, professor & author of Multiculturalism: a delectable lie".
- Gavin Boby, Law & Freedom Foundation, U.K; advisor on halting Mosque applications.
- Clare Lopez, a strategic policy and intelligence expert; formerly a career operations officer with the C.I.A.
- Tiffany Gabbay, writer and expert in Middle East affairs.
- Raheel Raza, author, documentary film maker , public speaker and one of the actors in the documentary "Honor Diaries.
- Jamie Glazov, Editor of FrontPage Magazine and host of the Glazov Gang, Jamie is one of the most important voices defending freedom in the world today.
- Stephen C. Coughlin, an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and noted specialist on Islamic law, ideology and associated issues as they relate to terrorism and subversion.
- Julie Taub, an Immigration and Refugee lawyer practicing in Ottawa who has more than 15 years of experience in Canadian Immigration Law and speaks on the refugee crisis.
- Deborah Weiss, an expert in the "Defamation of Religions", UN resolutions, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and CAIR.
- Paul Weston, after leaving UKIP in the UK, he established Liberty GB to deal with the subjects of mass immigration an Islam and is a fierce fighter for freedom of speech.
- James Bissett, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia speaks on the truth about mass migratory and refugee movements and the cost to our country.
- Robert Spencer, a world renowned scholar on Islam speaks in Ottawa on Immigration nightmares and in Montreal on the threats to freedom of speech.