Urgent: Government to Vote for Islamophobia Day Soon - Petition and Action
Hello all,
The Liberals are planning to vote tomorrow [Mar 21] on 'A day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia'. It looks like the Liberals are trying their "do it fast and secretly" trick again to get this Day established.
Please take the time to write - even a brief letter. All information below on how to find your MP along with address of PM Trudeau.
If you don't have time today to write a letter or call, you can at least sign the petition below against a "National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia".
Thank you for being an activist and keeping Canada strong and free.
Quoting from the Media Action Group Newsletter:
The Liberals changed the date to vote on 'A day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia'. WHY? They must be worried that they are facing a large public outcry.
The Canadian parliament may announce as early as this Wednesday, March 21, 2018...
There are 2 things that we can do - immediately.
1. Sign the Petition, "NO to A Day on Islamophobia in Canada".
2. Write letters to our Prime Minister and our MPs in Ottawa.
We can all make a difference! There are so many of us who are against this day of recognition and Motion M-103 which many believe will impact our freedom of speech in Canada. PLEASE SIGN PETITION HERE.
Writing a letter to the government is an easy and effective way to make your voice heard and to effect change.
Simply tell the Prime Minister that you do not want the Canadian government to enshrine a day on Islamophobia. Tell him that Canadians, generally, are not hateful, racist people who discriminate against other religions. (This is the message that the Heritage Standing Committee would have us believe.) Send this same letter to your MP. Add your Postal Code.
Canadians have gone out of their way for years to welcome immigrants. More specifically, in 2017 alone, we welcomed over 50,000 Syrians and a great many other immigrants including Yazidi, many with the assistance of private citizens. And we have helped integrate them into our society - take a look at how many different ethnic groups you see on the buses, the subway, supermarkets, parks.
We are not hateful racists and our government should not be stigmatizing us with this label. But, we are against having a day which singles out only one ethnic group for a day of recognition when there are other groups with much higher statistical rates of discrimination: Christians, the Black community, the gay LGBT community and the Jewish community . . . statistical information
There is no need for a day on Islamophobia to be enshrined in Canada.
To write your letter, use information from above, from the petition or from these articles - email addresses below.
URGENT: SEND YOUR LETTER TODAY OR TOMORROW AT THE LATEST. KEEP IT SIMPLE! "No, to a day on Islamophobia"...you don't have to write or say a lot.
Getting to the heart of what M-103 was always all about
Mar. 14, 2018 The National Post
Barbara Kay makes it very clear why having a day on Islamophobia would be a mistake - you can use ideas from this article for your letter.
Canadian Politicians Please Don't Surrender to Islamists
Mar. 15, 2018 The Clarion Project
Tahir Gora explains very vividly what the Canadian Community is up against, how Muslim extremists are influencing our government. And he should know - he is Muslim - and I know Tahir well and respect him for taking a risk and writing this article. Based on this message alone we should act.
Queen's joins the academic bullies - National Post Mar. 17, 2018
A good example of Freedom of Speech being denied in Canada.
WRITE LETTERS TO (and call the office if possible):
The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca - 1 613 995-0253
Your MP or other MPs - Click on the following link:
1. insert your Postal Code (upper right) - 2. click on your MP to see his or her info... keep letters polite and brief...
(please send me a copy of your letter - sahaber@gmail.com)