Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)


They monitor the activities of what it calls "hate groups" in the United States; views the U.S. as a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic nation; routinely smears conservatives as 'haters' and has assets exceeding $300 million. In September 2017, SPLC elected not to include the violent Marxist/anarchist Antifa movement in its list of "hate groups." SPLC president Richard Cohen explained that while "we oppose these groups and what they're trying to do" by censoring speech and inevitably provoking "other forms of retaliation," Antifa does not qualify for designation as a "hate group" because its adherents do not discriminate against people on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religion, or other variables protected by anti-discrimination laws. In short, said Cohen, Antifa's brand of hate is "not the type of hate we follow."