Shocking memo reveals George Soros behind Google, Facebook censorship


Never, even in my fertile imagination, would I have guessed that we would find a smoking-gun 49-page memo revealing how George Soros operatives, including David Brock, were there at the genesis, the planning stages, with their hands on the ignition key, of the most concerted, well-funded, diabolical attack on free speech in the history of America. Google-Facebook control the media. They use the media. They manipulate the media. They choose winners and losers among the media. That's real power that we have never seen before in American life.

These people are crazed, shameless and hell-bent on fundamentally transforming America from a free and open society to one that is dominated by mega-corporations who want to control everything - mostly you and how you think and behave.

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For the full David Brock Confidential Memo On Fighting Trump

Read full report here