Raitt Asks About Risks To Canadian Troops In Mali, Trudeau Attacks Harper Government Instead


In Question Period, Conservative Deputy Leader Lisa Raitt asked Justin Trudeau for answers on his decision to send Canadian military personnel to the dangerous nation of Mali.

Mali is the most dangerous UN 'peacekeeping' mission on earth, as the nation is wracked by civil war and constant violence. Roméo Dallaire has said he "wouldn't touch Mali with a 10 foot pole," and he certainly has experience when it comes to dangerous UN-commanded missions in Africa.

So, Lisa Raitt was asking the questions that all Canadians want to know: Why are our troops being sent to Mali, and what is the risk? Raitt very clearly asked Trudeau to explain how many Canadian forces personnel are projected to be lost in Mali. Yet, instead of answering, Justin Trudeau pathetically dodged the question and attacked the Harper government instead.

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