On 23rd May vote for Tommy Robinson and send him to the European Parliament as MEP for North West England.


"I'm a son, a husband, and a father of three beautiful children. An aircraft engineer by training, I started several successful businesses and became a community activist when I saw the mistreatment of our armed forces coming home from Afghanistan. That's what made me political.

For the last several years, I've been Britain's most successful citizen journalist, reaching millions of Britons and people around the world.

I've been busy documenting "the other side of the story" in the UK, championing the forgotten people, and sometimes even campaigning to help make things right... whether it's hiring lawyers for victims of rape gangs or crowdfunding wheelchairs for wounded members of our armed forces.

I need you, every single one of you. Become part of the movement and vote for Tommy Robinson on 23rd May in North West England.

Together let's rock the establishment!

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