PPC Candidate Laura-Lynn Tyler-Thompson Speaks After Election


I am 100% sure that I was supposed to fight this fight. I am 100% sure that our political system is really sick. With all my heart I want to be part of the solution. I'm grateful for an incredible team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to get 12,000 brochures out in the last 5 days. You brought tears to my eyes when I saw you work so hard and give up your time for Canada. I love you all so much! Paul Mitchell and I will never forget you and hope that you are ready to do this again when the next election is called :-).

No matter what happens tomorrow, I am grateful to Maxime Bernier! He defends the grassroots and social conservatives like no one we have ever witnessed. He, himself, is more of a fiscal conservative with a strong platform to eliminate the debt, balance our budget, build pipelines now and put Canadians first. Yet, he has taken the heat to defend those who believe things that are not politically correct and to guard our Charter Rights and Freedoms. I have immense respect and loyalty to Max and The People's Party of Canada. We have changed culture. We are the first generation to let the world know that we will not be silenced. We didn't know that free speech was under fire until we found out we couldn't speak the truth anymore without being called names and getting socially terrorized. Well, we've had enough and we have a leader who will lead the charge. It's actually very logical and common sense. It's called freedom and it's Canadian.

Max Bernier believes so strongly in Canadian values and our freedom that he speaks out even when it is costly to him personally. This is courage and this is what has been brought to the nation. In one short year, we have a whole new way of standing up for what we believe in and refusing to cower.

Therefore, thank you Mr. Bernier from myself, my husband, my children and my children's children for showing us the way!!

One more thank you to all of you who fearlessly and faithfully stood with me. You sent me private messages of encouragement, you cheered me on when the trolls came out. You believe the same thing I do and you are arm in arm with me. I'm so blessed to be associated with Patriots who understand what we are up against and have the courage to to be fearless Warriors. You are incredible!

Finally, to the outstanding candidates running across the country who have had your faces smeared, called names and been targeted by paid ghouls to have your reputation slandered... WELL DONE!!! They couldn't break us. In fact, this has been one of the most exciting chapters of our lives!

We have each other, our Party and our country, not to mention our wonderful families who have this look of pride in their eyes, over the sacrifice we have made and after the battle we've been through. This is courage and this is commendable.

I am comforted with one wonderful thought. This might be the end of this election cycle, but it is only the beginning of the rest of our lives and we are nowhere near being done with this battle. We are here for you Maxime Bernier. We are not going anywhere!

The picture is an inscription on the parliament buildings.

For God and country, we will not bow.

God keep our land glorious and free ❤️❤️.