It was a HOAX! Jussie Smollett hate crime “attack” was staged, say police… actual police work unmasked flimsy plot to stoke racial hatred across America


The Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax is now unraveling in spectacular fashion. The entire thing was apparently staged, just as we predicted would finally come out. Naturally, the entire Trump-hating left-wing media went along with the ploy without a scintilla of fact checking. Just the claim alone - that MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporters attacked Smollett for being black and gay - was enough for virtually every liberal media outlet to proclaim the attack happened just as Smollett had described.

Now it's increasingly obvious the entire thing was staged. As PJ Media now reports in breaking news:

On Saturday night, Chicago Police confirmed to PJ Media that the testimonies of two black men arrested in the case of "Empire" star Jussie Smollett have flipped the story. Rather than considering Smollett the victim of an attack, it appears that police may now see him as the perpetrator of a hoax.

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