If You Want A Communist USA, Vote Democrat on Tuesday


If You Want A Communist USA, Vote Democrat on Tuesday

If you like what they stand for; if you haven't yet had your fill of "resistance;" if you enjoy endless images of Antifa thugs attacking and beating elderly Americans; if it cheers you to see GOP members of Congress and the White House confronted in elevators, restaurants and streets; if you love to hear people like Maxine Waters inciting crowds to violence and think it would be great to see her running a congressional committee; if you want to see endless violence, destruction and protest; if you hope to see our thriving economy take a nosedive into the tank; if you think it's "justice" to see our jobs stolen by illegal aliens; if it thrills you when Democrats import masses of killers to shore up their base, while our streets run with blood from terrorist attacks and anyone who protests gets called an "Islamophobe;" if you want all this and more, by all means vote Democrat.

If you want to continue to enjoy our economy making a record comeback, and have a shred of hope of taking back our country from these monsters, then don't cast a single vote for any Democrat.