Getting The Facts About The Nova Scotia Mass Shooting!


I am not going to call this one a fake, for the fact that there is way too much that shows that this is not some type of "drill gone live" like in all the other fake shootings . . . This one therefore appears to be the real mccoy . . .  I will however continue to call into question the timeline and especially the reports that have been presented about the shooter himself...

I said in my previous article that I have some serious questions about this one . . .  I am still wondering how in the [     ] this Wortman character was able to get BOTH an RCMP cruiser as well as a uniform . . . And more people should be asking about that as well . . .

And as usual we have so many people that have known this Wortman coming out and showing that this kind of mass killing is NOT in his nature . . . That leads to questions as to his motive and his mental state . . .  And I cannot escape a nagging feeling that he was either on psychotropic drugs or has been "programmed" to carry out this slaughter . . .

I am not in here to slander or to insult the families and victims of this atrocity . . .  I am however asking the hard questions that everyone must ask and seeking the real truth here.

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