fr-Killing Europe Documentary


As you can see by the articles below on the cancellation of the World Premiere of the documentary "Killing Europe" in Ottawa last weekend, the storm troopers are now at the Gates of Canada, dictating what we cannot see or hear. The real reason is that the video in question exposes the truth and leftists would rather suffocate the truth than deal with it. I fear that this is only the tip of the iceberg - the more we accept such outrageous behavior, the greater will be the consequences down the road.

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

~ Thucydides ~

Part 1

Canada: Ottawa library cancels planned screening of documentary on Muslim migrants in Europe

I haven't seen Killing Europe , or even heard of it before this controversy began. But this is cause for concern: "But even a '30-second Google search' by the library would have revealed it to be hate speech, says human rights lawyer Richard Warman, who was one of the people to complain to the library about the screening." All that anyone can tell from a 30-second Google search is that it is accused of being "hate speech," not that it is actually "hate speech." What constitutes "hate speech" is a subjective judgment, based on the core beliefs and preconceptions of the person making the judgment; the increasingly common assumption that it is an objectively quantifiable category of speech is extremely disquieting, as it paves the way for censorship and authoritarianism.

Killing Free Speech in Canada

Last month we reported on a new film made by a Danish-American

videographer named Michael Hansen. After fifteen years away from home,

Mr. Hansen returned to Europe and recorded a video chronicle of his

experiences that highlighted the increasing violence and chaos caused by

Islamization. From his video material he compiled a documentary

called Killing Europe . The documentary was to have been screened last

week at the public library in Ottawa. The library staff and the police had

watched the film and judged that it passed the library's policies on

sensitivity, inclusion, tolerance, etc blah yak. Mr. Hansen was heading for

the venue to take part in the premiere when the library abruptly cancelled

the screening.

Documentary: "Killing Europe"

This documentary sheds light on the growth of several very problematic

movements within Europe including homophobia, anti-Semitism and rape-culture. However painful and difficult these issues are, it is essential that

they are exposed for what they are, and that the victims have the

opportunity to tell their stories.

In the absence of government and institutional leadership and equitable

media, Canadians need to be staunch defenders of the human rights of the

most vulnerable members of our society, and we condemn, in the

strongest terms possible, the re-victimization of women who bravely spoke

out of their experience of rape and the institutionalized misogyny that they

had been subjected to being further compounded by being denied the

means to share their experience, e.g. by the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa

Public Library.

This is exactly what the documentary film 'Killing Europe' does: it brings

forward the personal, first-person accounts of stories of victims of rape,

anti-Semitism, and homophobia and the violence they had been subjected

to. Yes, these stories are painful and troubling, but they are true, first-

person accounts of victims of institutionalized violence - and they deserve

a fair hearing.

Killing Free Speech by Censoring 'Killing Europe'

Documentary with Dr. Bill Warner

Michael Hanson is a former Dane who returned to Europe after a 10 year

absence and made a movie of what he saw of the effects of Islam on the

streets of Europe. The documentary was screened by the Ottawa library

staff and scheduled for view on Saturday, Nov. 25. But a threatened street

protest by ANTIFA and Ottawans Against Fascism caused cancellation of

the viewing. Once again, Sharia law is being used against free speech.


The Jewish Defence League

and ACT! For CanadaInvite you to the showing of

"Killing Europe"

Details here


"Killing Europe"

Part 2

Anti-Muslim documentary, rejected elsewhere,

makes world premiere in Toronto

An Islamophobic documentary made its world premiere on Sunday in

Toronto when it was screened at the Toronto Zionist Centre, at an event

hosted by the Jewish Defense League and ACT! For Canada. Killing

Europe uses examples of real and horrific assaults to portray all Muslim

migrants as violent rapists or, at the very least, complicit in these crimes.

The Ottawa Public Library cancelled a planned screening of the film in late

November after complaints by Ottawa Against Fascism and human rights

lawyer Richard Warman. In an interview with Metro News , filmmaker

Michael Hansen said the cancellation constituted an act of censorship and

claimed his ability to screen his movie was a question of free speech. The

documentary is neither Islamophobic nor anti-Muslim. It illustrates the

disintegration of Europe due to political correctness.


Canada: Leftists and Muslims Set to File Human

Rights Complaint Over Showing of Film on

Islamization of EuropeThe documentary film "Killing Europe" is about the Islamization of Europe

that is being brought about by massive and unrestricted Muslim migration.

It is being shown tonight by the Jewish Defense League, in conjunction

with ACT! for Canada. But the left is already trolling for someone who can

go, in order to file a human rights complaint against the event organizers.

This is the state of the freedom of speech in Trudeau's Canada after the

passage of the "anti-Islamophobia" motion M-103: honest criticism of Islam

and examination of the devastation wrought by jihad and sharia is now a

"human rights violation."

Michael Hansen gets standing Ovation at Toronto

Zionist centre after showing of Killing Europe

Michael Hansen came to Toronto last night for his world premiere of Killing

Europe, the exceptional film he made about the destruction of Europe,

European values and laws, and what sure looks a lot like the destruction of

the European peoples. He received a well-deserved standing ovation at the

end of the film from a packed house with some standees even.


Killing Europe by Diane Bederman

It is a sad time in Canada. A library in Ottawa cancelled the presentation of

the documentary called "Killing Europe." It is produced by Michael

Hansen who recently returned to Europe, after an absence of 15 years, to

make his documentary about the changes that have occurred since his

departure. It received 9.7 stars from IMBd. Richard Warman, human rights

lawyer said "it was clear it was going to be an all-out assault on immigrants

and the Muslim community." I don't know how he was so sure of this

statement but the documentary was cancelled. It's a pity that the people in

charge lacked the courage of Lindsay Shepherd, the young lady who stood

up to McCarthy-like censorship at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada and

demanded the right to share uncomfortable speech and views.

Trying to close us down - and intimidate usJamie Glazov interviews Michael Hansen, producer

of "Killing Europe"

ACT! For CanadaThe news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our

website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues

related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such

as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and

radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent

investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We

therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We

also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material

referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

This newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This

newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this communication. The

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