Eddie Izzard was born male and he will die male


Mr Izzard's right to feel like a woman takes precedence over real women's right to live freely and privately. This is the trans ideology summed up - everything, the entire physical, social and scientific world, must be sacrificed to the therapeutic needs of men who think they're women. Sure, drunk blokes of old knew a woman's bathroom was a no-go zone - but today's blokes drunk on their own narcissistic and lunatic vision of themselves as 'women' recognise no such physical boundaries. How dare a social norm interfere with my gender expression?

That's another thing the feelings of men who identify as women take precedence over now - freedom of speech. Enough is enough. Freedom is more important than Eddie Izzard's feelings. And that includes the freedom to correctly gender Mr Izzard as male, the freedom of women to have their own spaces, and the freedom of teenage girls to tell blokes like Eddie to fuck off out of their toilets.

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