AFC Newsletter - June 18, 2018


"The further a society drifts from truth,

the more it will hate those who speak it."

~ George Orwell ~


#FreeTommy Robinson Rally Draws Tens of Thousands

"Why is it so easy, Theresa May, to jail Tommy Robinson, but so difficult to do anything at all about the monstrous crimes committed in the name of Islam all over this country every day? Why?" Waters asked. Well, the questions are obviously rhetorical. We know why. The UK is frightened of the Islamists, and by being frightened into submission, they are being complicit in the crimes of the devout Muslims there.

Protests Seek Release of UK "Political Prisoner" Tommy Robinson

British authorities' efforts to quietly imprison Robinson in a secret proceeding and then gag the press have backfired in spectacular fashion. The whole news-consuming world knows about it. Robinson is seen as a martyr. Now, the establishment's propaganda organs disguised as "news" outlets have been reduced to either ignoring the global outcry, or seeking to demonize free-speech activists with nasty false adjectives and "fake news."

'Islam Means Submission. Will You Submit, Or Resist?' - Batten, Waters, Kassam at #FreeTommy Rally

Organisers claim around 20,000 people attended the rally, where speakers called on the Government to release the activist reporter and restore freedom of speech. UKIP leader Gerard Batten, For Britain leader Anne Marie Waters, and former Breitbart London editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam joined Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders and members of Tommy Robinson's family for a massive rally outside Downing Street on June 9th.

Speeches from the Free Tommy Robinson Rally

On Saturday, June 9, 2018 20,000 supporters gathered outside Whitehall to protest the arrest of Tommy Robinson. Geert Wilders traveled to London to be a part of the protest along with For Britain's Anne-Marie Waters, UKIP's Gerard Batten, Tracy Blackwell and Shazia Hobbs. Each speech is powerful and riveting and its worth taking the time to listen.

Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom)

Anne Marie Waters (For Britain)

Gerard Batten (UKIP)

Tracy Blackwell

Shazia Hobbs

Hey, Liz! An open letter to Queen Elizabeth by Bruce Bawer

Tommy Robinson has been prosecuted in your name. And I get it: you've never done anything like this before. You've been a good girl. You've kept your mouth zipped about sixty-odd years of public nonsense. It's not easy to break old habits. But now is the time to act. If you did so - publicly, fearlessly - with all the fury that I suspect you've been building up all these years, and with all the force that I suspect is still at your command, I daresay it might well shake millions of your people out of their silence and shake your pathetic, hapless government out of its treacherous faintness of heart. At least it's worth a try. Isn't it? Simply put, Queenie, you're in a position to save your kingdom. Who else can do it? It could be your greatest legacy.

How to Talk to a Leftist Friend About Tommy Robinson

The Tommy Robinson story really is about free speech, and free speech really is the foundation of Western Civilization. Without free speech, we might as well be living in Orwell's 1984. If all-powerful others can control what we are allowed to say, we surrender the whole shebang.

Here's why the fate of Tommy Robinson should concern us all - it's about much more than just one person

Many people could not believe that the country that they believed in and loved so passionately could be capable of jailing someone whose primary concern was the preservation of our freedoms, hard-won by our ancestors and forefathers on the fields of battle over the past one thousand years. Since then, we have had demonstrations all around the world, involving people of every race, creed and colour who have come to realise that our freedoms depend upon those who are willing to fight for them, and that if we do not fight for those freedoms when they are threatened, will find that they have been taken from us by those who wish merely to preserve their own selfish interests.

Tommy Robinson has not only awakened Britain, but nations throughout the world

Tommy may just be the one to have awakened not only our nation, but nations throughout the world, as to where the globalist agenda is headed. And I dare say, the marches and protests will grow, because Orwell's '1984' was never intended as an instruction manual. We want our sovereignty and the freedoms that were bought for us by the blood and lives of our forefathers. We will accept nothing less.

Tommy Robinson/Paul Weston: The Press are complicit in the cover up

Leeds Live, an online newspaper, even went as far as publishing Tommy's home address in the full knowledge that there are credible death threats from the religion of peace against Tommy's wife and children. The journalists involved in this foul act of political hatred are Stephanie Finnigan, Matt Millington and Charlotte Tobich. Remember these names.

Sajid Javid Responsible for Moving Tommy to Islamic Controlled Prison

Tommy Robinson has been served an almost death sentence by the British Home Office yesterday, as he was moved from HMP Hull, to a majority 71% Muslim dominated prison, HMP Leicester. It comes as no shock that the home office, which it's newly appointed Home Secretary Sajid Javid, is a Muslim.

'Certain Death' as Tommy Robinson Abruptly Relocated to Muslim Gang Prison

U.K. officials have moved political prisoner Tommy Robinson from the safety of Hull prison, where he was serving out a 13-month sentence, to Onley, near Birmingham. The move, which happened on June 12, effectively hurls Robinson into what supporters say is certain death.

Onley, a notoriously violent prison, is overrun by Muslim gangs and has a reputation for riots.

Tommy Robinson's Letter from Prison sent on 10 June 2018 read out by Brian of London

This is a reading of the letter posted by Tommy Robinson's team on Facebook overnight on 16 June. He sent it just before he was moved from HMP Hull to Onley near Birmingham.

What you can do for Tommy

You can write a letter to the Minister of Prisons:

Rory Stewart MP
Minister for Prisons
House of Commons
Tel: 020 7219 7127
Constituency Office: 01768 484 114

You can email Rory Stewart at either:

You can write a personal letter to Tommy as follows:

Stephen Lennon,

Number A2084CG
HMP Onley
CV23 8AP

He appreciates every letter he receives - it fills in his long and lonely days. It gives him hope and lifts his spirits knowing how much support he has and how much he and his family are loved.

And finally: Please Pray for Tommy

Abraham Lincoln said: "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day."

I believe in the power of prayer. If not for yourself, believe in it for others. The world is weak; prayer is POWERFUL. Whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Jainist, an atheist or none of the above, please pray for Tommy's safety.

"We pray for Tommy's well-being. We pray for You to protect him. We pray that not only will Tommy have the grace, strength and the peace to handle whatever comes his way but, like Peter and Paul, You will supernaturally protect him. Make him invisible to the darkness and to those who would seek to harm him. Send your Angel bodyguards to accompany him and to surround him wherever he walks. Station at least one at his back and another to go before him. Station them at the door to his cell as well. Please keep Tommy safe and please give Tommy's family security and peace as well."


"Notes from the Cassandra Society"

by John Thompson

Librarians Against Learning

It seems that the Ottawa Public Library must be sternly reminded of the true nature of its duty - Madeline Weld has filed this week for a Judicial Review of the OPL's decision. One hopes justice is done and the responsible decision-maker is paddled accordingly. Libraries are supposed to be bastions of inquiry, education, and freedom of speech, not enforcers of some ideologue's notion of orthopraxy.

Canada: Ottawa library faces court challenge for cancelling film depicting the Islamization of Europe

Madeline Weld, the organizer of a screening of the so-called "controversial" film Killing Europe "at the Ottawa Public Library and co-applicant Valerie Price, National Director of ACT! For Canada, have applied for a judicial review of the library's decision to cancel the showing." Unfortunately, the Ottawa Public Library succumbed to the demands of some members of the public who had a predetermined judgement about the film.

I hate to say I told you so. Actually, I don't. I love it by Mark Steyn

Section 13(1) of the Human Rights Act was finally repealed after a vote in the Senate on June 26, 2013. Any society of free peoples will include its share of hate: it could not be human without it. And, as bad as racists and homophobes and Islamophobes and whateverphobes may be, empowering Mr. Fine's ever more coercive enforcement regime to micro-regulate us into glassy-eyed compliance is a thousand times worse. As I said here years ago, it's not a right-left thing, it's a free-unfree thing. And I'm glad the Parliament of Canada is finally on the right side of that divide.

Ottawa Public Library faces court challenge over cancellation of controversial film

The organizer of a screening of the controversial film Killing Europe at the Ottawa Public Library last November has applied for a judicial review of the library's decision to cancel the showing. Madeline Weld, Ottawa chapter leader of ACT! For Canada, claims in her application, which was filed Monday in Toronto, that the library's decision to cancel "violated (her) constitutional right to free expression" as well as the rights of the audience to see the film.

Russ Cooper, co-founder of C3RF, on Ottawa Library cancellation of film "Killing Europe"

Western nations increasingly become Soviet like in their quelling of free speech under thin and undefined rubric of "hate Speech". This is how they facilitate the invasion of the West by Islam. By making factual and experiential discussion of it, a crime.

Laurier teaching assistant launches $3.6M lawsuit for university free speech abuses

A teaching assistant who endured a "vicious lambasting" and campaign of vitriol after daring to air a televised debate by cutting-edge professor and best-selling author Jordan Peterson has filed a $3.6 million lawsuit against two professors, a bureaucrat and their employer Wilfrid Laurier University.

M-103 followup: Canadian government is taking "action" against "Islamophobia"

Collectively, Canadians have not shown discrimination against the adherents of any religion, but many, including me, have grave concerns about the Islamic supremacist doctrine that seeks to obliterate Israel, shut down genuine pluralism and open dialogue, relegate women to an inferior status, and that sanctions FGM (cf. Umdat al-Salik e4.3), the murder of gays, wife beatings, conquest via jihad, Christian persecution, and the like. Is the government of Canada calling this prudent concern "racist" and "discriminatory"? Evidently yes. The Government of Canada has now vowed to "take action" against those whom it deems to be exhibiting "Islamophobia." But what does this really mean? For starters, lots of taxpayer money.

The EU and the G7 on the Road to Serfdom

Sadly, we do not learn from history. F.A. Hayek wrote an extraordinary book, The Road to Serfdom, in the 1940's about man's willingness to give up freedom. He lived through the times leading up to the dictatorships in Italy and the Fuhrer, Hitler. What he wrote then about the road to serfdom is taking place, again. Now. First in Europe, but attempts to take away personal freedom of choice are taking place in America and Canada. He bases his argument on economic freedom and its loss through socialism.

Trudeau Government Approves Legislation Weakening Canada's Anti-Terror Laws

Originally, the anti-terror laws had allowed securities to act swiftly in order to disrupt imminent terror threats. But now, they will need to stop and get a warrant first in many cases, and the legislation subjects those warrants to a charter challenge ahead of time - meaning valuable time to stop a plot could be lost. In an effort to stop Canada's anti-terror laws from being weakened, the Conservatives offered multiple amendments to the legislation. The Trudeau government rejected all of those amendments.

Canada: Liberal MP Omar Alghabra Attacks Conservatives as Islamophobic for House of Commons Votes on Eid - But Liberals Scheduled Vote Timing

Liberal MP Omar Alghabra is making a fool of himself on Twitter as the House of Commons goes through marathon votes, and is showing the truly disgusting and disgraceful divisiveness of his party. He's accusing the Conservatives of being Islamophobic for - wait for it - having marathon votes in the House of Commons to get the Liberals to reveal the cost of the carbon tax to Canadians - but the timing of the votes was decided by - you guessed it - the Liberals. It was the Liberal House Leader who scheduled the timing of the vote.

PM Trudeau: Is Al Quds Day compatible with the West?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called on Canadians to put the values he says unite the country - openness, compassion, equality and inclusion - into practice. "In Canada, Ramadan is also an opportunity to celebrate our country's Muslim communities, and the important contributions Muslim Canadians make each day."

Next on tap for Toronto: Refugee Camps

Never mind how much impact any of these low-barrier sites have on the surrounding neighbourhoods. I'm sick to death hearing the stories of the lawlessness around the shelters on Davenport Rd. and 21 Park Rd., not to mention the Dundas and Victoria safe injection site and that our politicians have done nothing.

Here is a new and exciting organization:

"To preserve Canada as it should be, there is no higher calling than to ensure that our laws are enforce. That is the purpose of Canadians for the Rule of Law." Please go to their website below and read about them and their goals.


Geert Wilders Puts the Political Elites on Notice

"Our governments," Wilders declared, "sold us out with mass immigration. With Islamization. With open borders. We are almost foreigners in our own lands. And if we complain about it, they call us racists and Islamophobes. But I say, no more! And what do you say? No more! And that's right: enough is enough. We will not be gagged anymore. No more tyranny."

The people are rising up. Can the elites put the genie back in the bottle?

Around the World


Sometimes Tough Love Is What You Need

Today, I read the news that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria just ordered the closing of seven mosques, banned some imams who are paid by Turkey and stopped foreign funding coming into Austrian mosques. Muslims now have to swallow a bitter pill and look upon this as "tough love." The actions of the Austrian government are going to resonate across Europe and UK, and it's about time these governments do something to show they are not going to tolerate foreign funded hate in their countries.


Former Bosnia Muslim commander Oric, accused of war crimes against Serbs, faces re-trial

I have maintained for years that President Bill Clinton made one of his many catastrophic mistakes when he backed the Muslims in the Bosnian war. Like President Carter backing the Ayatollah Khomeini against the pro-American Shah, the consequences of aiding and abetting Islamic movements are catastrophic, as we have seen in Iran with the recent protests against the Islamic regime. And here is more evidence of that fact. Oric was acquitted in October 2017, but there were "serious violation of criminal proceedings."

The Netherlands

Islamic Insanity in The Netherlands

Dutch voters have made it very clear that they don't want more migrants. And relatively few asylum petitions are being approved. But that just means that Dutch cities are filling up with failed asylum seekers who can't be deported, who will no longer be subsidized and are ticking time bombs. If they want to stay, all they have to do is commit a crime and land in one of the famously cushy prisons. Crazy becomes the new normal.

United Kingdom

Anne Marie Waters Leaves the Left, Defends Freedom

"This is not a clash between equally moral positions; it is a battle between freedom and oppression, compassion and barbarism, civilised behaviour and violence. We need to decide what side we are on, and fight for that side to win." Beyond Terror is one woman's story, but if Britain and any other nation is going to survive as a free society, this book should be taken as a template for what must be done, and for how everyone who values freedom must now become an activist - before it's too late.

United States

SPLC Apologizes, Pays Settlement to Islamic Reformer It Wrongly Labeled 'Anti-Muslim Extremist'

The Southern Poverty Law Center has reached a settlement with liberal Islamic reformer Maajid Nawaz and his organization, the Quilliam Foundation, for wrongly including them on its now-defunct list of "anti-Muslim extremists." The SPLC announced Monday that it has agreed to pay Nawaz and Quilliam $3.375 million "to fund their work to fight anti-Muslim bigotry and extremism." The settlement was the result of a lawsuit Nawaz filed in April over his inclusion on the SPLC's "Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists."

Saudis Gave the Obama Team Suitcases of Jewels Before Muslim Apology Tour

Saudi Arabia gave White House aides jewellery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in large suitcases, according to Ben Rhodes, former speech writer and deputy national security adviser in the Obama administration.

Other Articles

Nigel Farage: "If dealing with Islamic fundamentalism becomes a battle between us and the entire religion, we'll lose"

Nigel Farage's warning against making the resistance to jihad a "battle between us and the entire religion" is odd. No sane person is saying that the West should go to war with the entire Islamic world. The likeliest interpretation of his statement is that he is saying that we must not speak about how jihadis find justification for their actions in the Qur'an and Sunnah, as that will alienate the "moderates." But if we don't speak about such facts, how will we ever convince Muslims not to follow "hardline interpretations of the Qur'an"?

Revealed: How the five wealthiest Gulf Nations have so far refused to take a single Syrian refugee

As debate rages between politicians in Europe over how many they should take, nearby super-wealthy Gulf nations of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain have refused to offer sanctuary to a single Syrian refugee. Gulf nations argue that accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees is a serious threat to the safety of its citizens because terrorists could hide themselves among civilians!

The Horrors of Honor Violence: Terrorism At Home

While growing attention to the phenomenon of honor killings has led to greater oversight by most Western governments, many of which now recognize such murders as a distinct category, honor violence remains largely overlooked and misunderstood. Too often it is grouped with domestic violence, which ignores the true and most insidious nature of the threat. Those facing honor violence have nowhere to run - not their mothers, their sisters, their imams. Consequently, treating the problem of honor violence is far more complicated than handling domestic abuse, or simply putting the husband or other family in prison.

Recommended Book:

Anne Marie Waters vs. the Thought Police

Beyond Terror is not a bleak book. On the contrary, it is full of hope. In fact, if Beyond Terror is proof of anything, it is proof of the fact that one person can make a difference. That person is not just Anne Marie Waters. That person is also you. Anne Marie Waters' book, like my own book Fatwa, is the story of how one person, one private citizen, decided to act. That is the greatest lesson we can draw from Beyond Terror. Like Anne Marie Waters, you also must be unafraid. You must get on social media and shout. You must share the websites, articles, and activism on your pages, social media channels and email contacts. You must soldier on despite the smears, defamation and libel. You must go to protests, events, conferences and networks - meet people, network, start a group. Do something.


Katie Hopkins on the #FreeTommy rally in London: "The crowd is drawn by something bigger than one man"

For too long, the victims of rape squads in the U.K. were ignored. Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford, Newcastle - the list goes on.

But Tommy Robinson refused to look away. Despite known risk to his freedom, he persisted. Reporting known facts from the street outside a court in Leeds where a rape squad faced justice.

Imam Tawhidi Reflects on Sebastian Kurz Decision to expel up to 60 Imams

Imam Tawhidi's take on Sebastian Kurz's decision to expel up to 60 Imams from Austria and shut down dodgy Mosques. Recorded in Tarek Fatah's presence, so he can testify that this was spoken from the heart; one take, no edits and no scripts.

I'm An Englishman. Very Powerful

ACT! For Canada

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The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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